Monday, July 11, 2011

Eshet Chayil Pt 1 Introduction

Eshet Chayil was written by Shlomo HaMelech (King Solomon) in honor of his mother. What a great way to honor one's mother. To sit down and write of her accomplishments is probably the biggest honor anyone could have. At that point in time the deeds of that mother become immortal.
It is also sung on Shabbat to honor the women of the household. So not only is she sung to but, also shown an honor to that of a Queen. The Mother of Shlomo HaMelech (King Solomon).
On the Sabbath the women of the house scurry around to prepare this great meal. But not only that but to Honor the Queen of Queens... the Sabbath. She is preparing her family to settle in and learn to rest. She is teaching her home how to worship the Great Divine in quietness. She is teaching her family to humble themselves and recognize who the Creator is. She is teaching them that this is the Day the Divine One gave as a gift.
She is a woman who is honored as a Queen. That is the immortality of the Eshet Chayil.
But what about the woman ho screws up? What about the one who loses her temper and freaks out because the Sabbath is coming quickly?
"Turn off the Lights!"
"Hurry take your showers!"
" Get the Candles ready!"
"What do you mean your not ready! Shabbat waits for no one!"
" Did you shut the computer down?"
And sadly lights late. Sadly broke the Shabbat. Sadly didn't get it all done in time.
What about the one who doesn't observe at all. Is she less a Woman of Valor than the one who does?

What does Valor mean?

val·or noun \ˈva-lər\
Definition of VALOR
: strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness : personal bravery

See the woman of Valor has courage not perfection. She is human and she is brave and she works hard
have the courage of one's convictions, to act in accordance with one's beliefs, especially in spite of criticism.

Now we that we have defined what valor is then every woman has the potential to reach it.
through her strength and mind and spirit she works at continuing to be this woman. She will encounter many obstacles and continues with courage. She is not PERFECT and only seeks to perfecting herself to her highest ability.

I tend to be a ghetto Mama. I am the Mama yelling at the last minute and hyperventilating because I only have an 18 minute window. And yes, sometimes I fail. But I am a woman of Valor because I have the Courage to continue to strive and hope that next week will be better. I don't give up. I fight and I hope in this series you too will learn to be a woman of valor and not perfection. A woman of courage and realize that you make mistakes but still continue to get up and try again.
May Hashem Bless You All on your Journey. And Remember You are Worth Far Beyond Rubies!

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